PHOTO BOOTH OPERATOR APPLICATION PLEASE FILL OUT ALL FIELDS BELOW! Name* Email* Phone NumberHave you ever used a photo booth?Have you ever used a photo booth?--YesNoIf you answered yes above, tell us about your experience(s)Tell us about your experience(s) (If you answered yes above)How much photography experience do you have?*How much photography experience do you have?None1 yr2 yrs3 yrs4 yrs5 yrs+Do you have a car?*Do you have a car? Yes No If so, what kind?If so, what kind? Can you troubleshoot Windows computers?*Can you troubleshoot Windows computers? Yes No Have you ever worked as a brand ambassador or something similar?*Have you ever worked as a brand ambassador or something similar? Yes No Do you have experience working events?*Do you have experience working events? Yes No Can you work weekends?*Can you work weekends? Yes No Are you comfortable drive into and working in Philadelphia?*Are you comfortable drive into and working in Philadelphia? Yes No Why do you think you'd make a good fit for this position?*Why do you think you'd make a good fit for this position?Anything else you'd like us to know?*Anything else you'd like us to know? Δ